Sunday, March 8, 2009

If Astronomers ruled the world...

I thought this article was funny. I don't think you have to be a scientist to have heard about the events leading up to the emboldening of astronomers over the past months. (There I did it. I used emboldening in a sentance)
We love Pluto just as much as ever.

On a more serious note, (and certainly cause for continuing emboldenation) NASA successfully launched their latest techno toy Kepler into space this week. Kepler's mission is to seek out earth like planets in other solar systems. It should be very exciting to see what they find in the coming months. Stay tuned.
PS - Check out the price tag for this mission, $600 million. We can send a space craft into space to look at distant areas of the galaxy for a fraction of what certain businesses are asking the government for. Remember when 600 million (600,000,000) was an astromonical number?

Our economy is need of astronomical funds while our astronomy seems to be getting more economical.

1 comment:

Geoffrey said...

Good Point... 600 mill is a drop in the bucket compared to 800 BILLION...